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Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines

0 posted 2001-04-29 10:37 AM

Wearing Stripes

The other day, had painted, I
in taupes and burgundies in sheen.
Most of which was on the rails
and shutters, tall, that once were green.

I fell into my love of home,
it kissed me back these many years.
I'm saving grace the best I can
but yesterday, she brought me tears.

My balance off, with paint in left
and brush held in my right of hand
then tilted I, and nothing dropped
but on my forehead, I did land.

I searched around, my eyes to see
If anyone was watching me

Embarrassed, I  in turning red
with vertical stripes upon my  head

And face, from top to bottom, chin
I held my ground, * could not fall in*

And no one said a word to me
I painted on, with head in check
but telling all, the pain was there
I'm striped in soreness to my neck.

Today, I'll try my hand again
at dressing up my favorite love
and hope that balance comes my way
without the droppings from above...

from rain or birds or pollens sent
I wish for none to residue
and when all's done, I'll celebrate
she's now become 100, too.


"The worst prison would be a closed heart".
...Pope John Paul II

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Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
1 posted 2001-04-29 10:42 AM

What a great story Maureen ... I could picture this so clearly. Now that's the way to become a part of your work for sure! I really enjoyed this, thanks for the smiles!  

Best wishes,

[This message has been edited by Kit McCallum (edited 04-29-2001).]

serenity blaze
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2 posted 2001-04-29 10:50 AM

for a second I thought ALL you were wearing were stripes and a smile...   If that should happen? I want DETAILS---was showing off your tile topped table to a friend the other day...want you to know she is now busy smashing plates for the mosaic look---her hubby thought she was nuts, but he said at least she wasn't throwing them at him!  
stay well "m"---you do gorgeous work!

latin passion
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3 posted 2001-04-29 01:47 PM

that must have been a sight, I'll be doing painting today, and I'll try to be cautious.
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Member Laureate
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East Lansing, MI USA
4 posted 2001-04-29 01:57 PM

there's nothing like becoming a part of your work Maureen. . .  

wonderful. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

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Member Seraphic
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5 posted 2001-04-29 04:44 PM

What a great story! *S* I'm sorry you're still "striped in soreness to my neck" ... but I'm ROFL!
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2001-04-29 04:49 PM

What a delightful story !
Dressing up the 'old' house ...
quite the stately lady she is ...

LOL ... hope you recover nicely !
Pride and all !

Now get inside and finish my prissy Victorian Bear !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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Washington State
7 posted 2001-04-29 05:37 PM

This is a wonderful love story.  God bless you with your renovated home and I'm sure you'll soon forget the spilled paint.  Joyce
Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200
Between the Lines
8 posted 2001-04-29 06:10 PM

Kit ...truth sometimes is stranger than fiction..yes I have been working on this house for 21 years...and I am trying to finish it up for the  last time...I smiled when writing it..although I do have a lump on my head  *s thank you

serenity ..hmmm I wanted  you to think that..*figured I would get some responses  or at least read..well not really...I WAS wearing stripes ..well your friend is  going to have a harder time doing her table top than I did..but I have seen items made from  broken dishes and they turn out beautiful. I was going to sell some   porch spindles I have (over 70) we  took every third one off my porch a few years back so I could get my hand in between to paint them..but someone gave me an idea..cut them in half and make them candle holders....that would mean 140 of them  and then sell I have been  trying to design a base for them and then will paint them up..I could call them De light of Passion...couldn't I...and have a poem to sell with them..wonder if they would catch on..or maybe you have a more catchy title????  

latin passion ..yes don't fall and bump your head like makes you write crazy poetry *s

Sven ..haaa I liked that.. you can be  a comedian sometimes...thank you


"The worst prison would be a closed heart".
...Pope John Paul II

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