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Wilfred Yeats
Member Elite
since 2000-08-04
Posts 2704
Wilmington, Delaware

0 posted 2001-02-11 04:07 PM

Timing is Everything
(Adopted to an previously untitled I was about to post)

An you think forward
To an (im)possible future
What we've yet to realize
Will the timing be right

The touching
We've waited so long for
The fantasies
Of waking
Sharing naked warmth
Learning together
How we want to be loved
Learning together
All we've held back
Fearing it might not
Be accepted
That it might be too much
For the other to bear
Will it come at the right time

We're both old enough
Experienced enough
To have learned
Love is not some dream
Held deep inside since puberty
Rather learned
When it hits us
Square in the face
When we realize
It is giving ourselves
Oh I hope the timing is right

What we've never done
Never said
Becomes the highest fulfillment
We've ever achieved
Until now
Because we can once again
Give ourselves totally
To giving
Without thought
Of what we'll get

Men like me
Never get this
(timing is everything)

Most women
Seem to be born
To surrender

And then there's
That epiphany
When we both
Give in, give up
(Surely it must be timing)

Do you remember
Did it happen for you
When you learned
Your vulnerability
Was no greater
Than his
Was your timing right

Then let us pray
We give in
Give ourselves up
To this
That the timing is right
We'll speak with eyes
Then words
Then eyes again
Over and over
Learning touches
Sleepy kisses
Until familiarity
Goes so deep
It's all we want
All we'll ever want

Timing is everything

Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes.

~ Chinese Proverb ~

© Copyright 2001 Wilfred Yeats - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
1 posted 2001-02-11 04:35 PM

I think the metronome was your muse....a wonderful read....
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
2 posted 2001-02-11 04:42 PM

Excellent!! You nailed this one sir!  
Senior Member
since 2000-01-17
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3 posted 2001-02-11 04:43 PM


You just stole alot of my words..! And I was really trying too... You guys are just to fast for me. Back to the drawing board... Darn it.

PS. On second thought forget it... reading you o'er again I don't see a chance of toping this jewel. Hats off sir.


[This message has been edited by lucky (edited 02-11-2001).]

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200
Between the Lines
4 posted 2001-02-11 07:19 PM

What we've never done
Never said
Becomes the highest fulfillment
We've ever achieved
Until now
Because we can once again
Give ourselves totally
To giving
Without thought
Of what we'll get
~sighing Bill...huggzzz  for your friendship and hoping that your timing keeps you here forever..

"The worst prison would be a closed heart".
...Pope John Paul II

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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5 posted 2001-02-12 12:19 PM

Bill--Time is so fickle...sometimes so precise...and sometimes as slow as a hot summer day...but if two souls come together at the same time with love...then it is everything.
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

6 posted 2001-02-12 12:46 PM

Most women
Seem to be born
To surrender

And then there's
That epiphany
When we both
Give in, give up
(Surely it must be timing)

youre on time ... measured by your verse divine...
very cool write poet sir
adapted...adopted ... you rose to the challenge  

Where the touch of the lover ends
And the soul of the friend begins
There's a need to be separate and a need to be one
And a struggle neither wins

Wilfred Yeats
Member Elite
since 2000-08-04
Posts 2704
Wilmington, Delaware
7 posted 2001-02-12 10:54 AM

My muse in this case - came from reading a book of Linda Goodman's Poetry - Thanks

Very high praise to me, coming from a poet of your calibre Thank you.

if making me turn red is your intent - you succeeded - thank you

(you make me blush too) Thank you so much

Your prose response - is so poetic - and I agree - but you should make it a poem.

Janet Marie-
Thank you so much - re your signature:
"struggle neithr wins..." I think BOTH win~S~

Junior Member
since 2001-02-05
Posts 34

8 posted 2001-02-12 11:09 AM

like this, very nice run of thoughts hopes and dreams  
doreen peri
Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812
9 posted 2001-02-12 11:37 AM

"Most women
Seem to be born
To surrender

i think you may be right to a certain degree, but once a woman does surrender instinctively one time and then gets burned and then another and then gets burned again, it's hard to go back to the intrinsic nature of it... y'know? i'm just now learning again... i mean? why not? at least i know what the burn feels like and will recognize it and who knows? might get lucky.... LOL....

good job on this one, bill.... thanks for participating... enjoyed reading your perspective on this  

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
Posts 5167
state of confusion
10 posted 2001-02-12 03:50 PM

Timing IS everything, perhaps with a wee bit of help from above.

Lovely poem, Bill.


Wilfred Yeats
Member Elite
since 2000-08-04
Posts 2704
Wilmington, Delaware
11 posted 2001-02-13 12:32 PM

zoe - doreen -Corinne-
Sometimes my thoughts seem to just fall into place - Thank you
(and Doreen- just have faith in your own instincts)

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
12 posted 2001-02-13 01:43 PM

"Love is not some dream
Held deep inside since puberty
Rather learned
When it hits us
Square in the face
When we realize
It is giving ourselves

So much truth is packed into those lines... My timing may never have been right... but I hope yours is perfect! *S*

Wilfred Yeats
Member Elite
since 2000-08-04
Posts 2704
Wilmington, Delaware
13 posted 2001-02-13 07:28 PM

Neither has mine ~sigh~ - thanks for your kind words - and may we both have better luck in future

Paula Finn
Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546
14 posted 2001-03-12 01:07 AM

Timing...sometimes I think we must make our own timing...and damn the price...yet I have no desire to hurt sigh...I wait til the "time" is right...
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
Posts 11858
New Brunswick Canada
15 posted 2001-03-12 04:20 AM

Timing is everything when you look at life from every angle...I mean if you didn't go to the mall that day you might not have met that special love of your life...I don't believe in predestination but I do believe in what the Bible says..." that time and unforseen occurences befall all of us".....great write Bill!

The poet is like a cocoon; in him the caterpillar of the past finds rest, and from him the butterfly of the future emerges.

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