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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-04-30
Posts 7563
Spring, Texas

0 posted 2000-12-16 09:15 PM

Screaming To Be Free

Years ago,
when I was younger
and pictures were thrown away,
fun things, to share with friends,
memories not yet known,
portraits of the life
we had yet to live,
I met a friend,
later my wife;
and as you see
we smiled a lot,
shared a love
that just grows and grows.
Years ago,
as this picture shows,
I had lots of hair,
perfect eyes;
I was not yet aware
of what would come,
as years went by,
and age began to fill out
my face;
I didn't know my eyes
would begin to fade,
my hair would gray,
and who needed it anyway,
bald's a sexy  thing,
or so they say…
I didn't know with age
and kids sometimes I'd cry,
alone, at night,
when no one else could see;
just God and me,
would share my misery.
With parents gone,
family spread far across the country,
friends few, the fault my own,
I hold the pictues
I have left,
of friends, of family,
of those that meant
so much to me;
and still I cry,
I grieve for the one inside of me,
bound within for eternity,
hoplessly caught,
screaming to be free,
oh God, why me,
why me.

w.  james beard, jr.
© December 2000

This started out as quite a different piece and was supposed to include a picture but couldn't figure out how to get the picture in so...anyway it's not me (I'm a whole lot more with it than this) but I hope you "feel" the piece.  jimmy

[This message has been edited by jwesley (edited 12-16-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Wesley James Beard, Jr. - All Rights Reserved
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
1 posted 2000-12-16 09:23 PM

Yes I felt this piece and I am so glad to hear that it is NOT you. Wonderful write from you.  For a moment I was worried as to how you jumped from the beauty and peace of love to this until I read your note.  Thank you for the wonderful read and for including the note.

A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.
author unknown

Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
Posts 3552
High Springs, Florida
2 posted 2000-12-16 09:27 PM

wow..its difficult to free ourselves from the chains we often self-inflict...

(i know theres something ('fine-print'!) written at the very bottom of this piece..but its a bit of a blur on my computer..)

this is a heart wrenching piece--i hope you dont find yourself a prisoner for too long..

hugs, fallen

**ah! mark jumped in there while i was i know partly what the fine-print says! lol  glad its not about you J  

[This message has been edited by fallen rain (edited 12-16-2000).]

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372
Ontario, CANADA
3 posted 2000-12-16 09:36 PM

Yes, I felt this one very deeply and I am glad that this is not about a personal experience of yours. This poem is powerfully written in a simple yet strong way. Although I am young, without children, I relate to this in other ways.  This shows that you are a great poet to spark something inside of me even though my "screaming to be free" is entirely different yet also on the same wave length.  I'm printing out a copy for myself and yes, I did "feel" this poem completely!  It touched me in a way I cannot describe, both in relieve and sadness.

Take care,

The beauty of poetry gives my soul wings to fly free within dreams

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