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Junior Member
since 2000-06-05
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Salisbury, NC

0 posted 2000-06-27 01:02 AM

Why is there poverty,
why is there debate,
why is everyone just out to hate?
Why are there hookers,
and why are there whores?
Why are there children in the middle of wars?
Why do people say the the things that are better left unsaid,
why do people do the things that could leave others dead?
Why do we sit back and just let all this happen,
or better yet,
how could we??

© Copyright 2000 Kristi - All Rights Reserved
since 2000-06-25
Posts 57
1 posted 2000-06-27 01:04 AM

That was a very cool poem, I really liked it easy for me to understand, I love the way you write, I hope you have more.
since 2000-06-21
Posts 237
2 posted 2000-06-27 01:14 AM

who knows why man is intent on destroying its self? we started in paradice, and are ending up in hell...why???   your poem really makes people thimk about their actions...good work
since 2000-05-10
Posts 498
Somewhere, between here and there
3 posted 2000-06-27 01:29 AM

Well, someone who understands!  Ok, ok, you want the answer?  We're dumb...D U M dumb...!  We're idiots!!!! We've nothing to do but revel in our own studity til the end comes...

Jeremiah Johnson
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since 2000-06-08
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Brooksville, Fl, U.S
4 posted 2000-06-27 02:47 AM

i agree with you all humans are a virus that slowly kills itself. and by the way great work i really enjoyed it and had to print it out.

I'm a dying romantic and when i can no longer write i can no longer live -Jeremiah Johnson-

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
5 posted 2000-06-27 10:40 AM

The title drew me in...fantastic title by the way!!! And the poem is excellent..good questions that we all need to ask.  
Senior Member
since 2000-02-14
Posts 948
New Hampshire, USA
6 posted 2000-06-27 02:42 PM

Never stop asking the's the only hope we have for the future.  Good work, Angel....and yes, I too loved the title.  Hardrock
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
7 posted 2000-06-27 05:00 PM

Substantial writing with an answer that speaks to all of us...James
brian madden
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since 2000-05-06
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8 posted 2000-06-27 05:58 PM

I want to see Britney Spears choke. no not really, that would be cruel. She is human afer all though I thought I noticed puppet strings in her last video.

To answer your questions we do it for the greater good or so our governments tell us.
Poverty is a product of greed, why is there famine when we have stock piles of food?
Because it companies would suffer a financial
loss. In the Dollar, Euro, Mark, sterling, punt etc We trust.

We all wonder these questions but unfortunately there is little we can do except hope that honest presidents, politicans are voted into government. They have the power and they are supposed to reflect our needs.

E. Benjamin Roy
Junior Member
since 2000-06-18
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9 posted 2000-06-27 06:03 PM

So many questions, so few answers...yet we continue the path of darkness...ah what a world
Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
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Sunny Queensland
10 posted 2000-06-27 07:37 PM

Too many questions, not enough answers.  Money sure... I wonder how those in control in the know so to speak, can sit back and live with themselves after seeing those in poverty and/or hardship on TV.  Man does indeed to think only of himself, and it's up to us the little people to try and change things or at least be voices that can be heard through poetry such as this!!  Great work.  
P.S.  If we live OUR lives right, and be caring and generous and helpful people at least we can sleep at night!!

I'll tell you this...... No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.....
(Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit)

Dark Enchantress
Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
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meet Morgana
11 posted 2000-06-27 10:51 PM

It's simple Kristi....greed, anger, petty differences, the need for challenges (most people want to live a fulfilled life any way they can), the ability to ignore things that aren't staring us straight in the face...ignorance is bliss and the children being born into these enviroments have no one to learn from but the very people who created this. Rather than working as one..they'd all rather be the boss and do things that'll get them something back in return. And as for the prostitutes and whores...well that's all about their upbringing...drastic measures...there perspective..the little things can kill...

Few people lack the endurance and courage to change things...many people are afraid to. But we still fight because someone should...and it's those few lives that matter the most in the end...the souls that you've saved.

But anyway....great poem Kristi..  
< !signature-->

Listen to your heart for it knows the way even when you don't.

~*Angel of Darkness*~

"So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No, the big moments are

[This message has been edited by Dark Enchantress (edited 06-27-2000).]

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