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Open Poetry #5
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 1999-12-26 09:10 PM


Adults and children, hear my call!
Allow me to present
The greatest show you'll ever see
Beneath the bigtop tent.
The acts are we go
So come on, one and all
To see the greatest show on Earth...
The Passions carnival!


They come from far
They come from near
They stand in line
For tickets here
They're on their way
I see them swarm
My ticket booth
En masse they storm

All sorts of folk
From short to tall
Are ready for
Our carnival...

Poet deVine

Laughter and music in cacophony
From the circus big top tonight
But I sit here with old Rosie
Knowing something is just not right
Poor Rosie is off her feed
She’s listless and she’s tired
She’s now fourteen years old
And soon, she’ll be retired

Her dark, elephant eyes beseech me
Trusting me to make the pain go
So as the circus Vet I tend her
Crooning soft and low

The clowns crowd around her
Before they have to perform
As my assistant hands me
The right dose of chloroform

I probe and prod her chest
Till I find what I knew I would
Old Rosie has been such a trouper
As any circus performer should

She opened her eyes once more that night
As though to thank me for her liberation
Then quietly Rosie slipped away
To her heavenly destination.

Laughter and music in cacophony
Proclaim the crowd’s delight
And accompany Rosie in her final hour
A circus performer has died tonight!


I'll be the lady
on the flying trapeze.
I'll wear my wings,
not much else, if you please.
Scantly clad,
Flying through the air.
They'll get their money's worth
as they intently stare.

As I flip and fly
with the greatest of ease,
the half-naked lady
on the flying trapeze.

When the show is over
and the tent is down
I'll leave them gasping
all over this town.

For years they'll tell
of the Big Top queen,
the half-naked lady
on the flying machine.


They call me Saddie, the Bearded Lady.
I got it many years ago when I started with the show.
It's not insulting, no not for Saddie.
Though some may go a bit too far, they rarely leave a scar.
Well, what's a girl to say?
No longer shave--No way!
I'd rather stay right here at the circus than to hide away...
'Cause I'm Saddie, the Bearded Lady.
The "Hottie" that owns no Schick, Baby...
See, I'm Saddie...the Bearded Laaady,
Might not smashin' but in France it's fashion.
Yes, I'm Saddie.....Don't fall in love.
(I'd break your heart)
Don't fall in love.


I am a Lion Tamer.
Hear me Roar!
A tall brunette Damer.
Those little kitties
bow to their knees,
whining persnikities.
Give me some more!


The elephants are being cleaned and fed,
the monkeys are safe in their cages,
the acrobats and artists are working hard,
and the roustabouts are preparing the stages.
Each and every circus member that's here
takes their lead from the Great Balladeer,
but let it never, ever be thought or said
that I don't keep just everyone fed!

For not only do I run the Concession Stand,
why, I do my part, and with my hands
I dip corn dogs in batter so feathery light
and with cotton candy make smiles bright.

My apples are crisp and red glaze beckons,
popcorn is plenty, a buttery confection,
plenty of syrup for fizzy drinks all around,
I have treats for everyone, from master to clown.

Sausage dogs, hot dogs, bratwurst is great,
mustard, sauerkraut, pickles [no gain of weight]
nachos with cheeses, onions, chili or sauce,
working here is wonderful with Balladeer as Boss.

But when all of the visitors have seen the lights,
when the animals sleep, we close for the night,
then my real work begins, it starts again,
for that's when I listen to the concession of sins.

For most come to work in the Circus are in fear
and from secret lives they've run away to here
as they know there's no one day long in town
so their secret lives won't be uncovered or found.

I've heard dark, dark tales from them most,
as no fine performer likes ever to boast,
but they have confided their lives to me
as I nightly feed their souls for free.

By daylight their souls are refreshed and re-fed,
and they take to their lives as to a Manor led,
for they know their smiles, or their tears, will gain laughter,
and when you're with the Circus, that's all that you're after.


Madame Belladona

I will tell your fortune
Come and see my crystal ball
Discover what awaits you
I'll amaze you ~ one and all

I offer some refreshment
A lovely cup of tea
and when you have imbibed
I'll gaze down at the leaves

What is on the path for you
is what I shall relate
Following lines upon your palm
A reading most intimate

Enter into my dark abode
Hear the future's tale
and trust in what I show you
Madame's visions never fail

The road ahead may be easy
or life, it may encumber
But one thing is for certain
Old Madame's got your number!


I need a volunteer from the audience please
Really, that's okay, I can't accept fleas
Yes, you there in front, what is your name?
Oh well, Toerag, let us get on with our game
You are going to be part of quite a trick
Everyone watch close, us magicians are slick
I put the magical red towel over Toe's head
"Alakazam, AbraCadbra" the magic words said

I just snapped my fingers and that was all
And Toe's little towel just began to fall
Everyone looked around worrying about Toe
As each child wondered "Where did he go?"

I was so excited that my trick was a success
But now I got myself into an even bigger mess
When learning the trick, I sort of slacked
And now don't know how to bring Toe back!


The performance is over, the clowns are asleep.
Yet I’ve got a mountain of popcorn to sweep.
Gallons of soft drinks were spilled down the aisles
But the faces of children glowed with their smiles.
As the trapeze artists flew through the air
Cotton candy was dropped, now it’s everywhere.
Shrieks filled the tent as the tigers gave roar
(Even from those who’d seen us before!)
My job in the circus has no glitter or glamour
But tomorrow night, when the little ones clamor
For a glimpse into magic, these seats will be clean.
I’ll be watching their pleasure, though I’ll stay unseen.


It's Balladeer's Traveling Circus,
The midway's full of fun,
Games and sideshows miraculous,
Something for everyone!
Madame Caroline will gaze into her ball,
And tell of your future to be,
"Your night will turn into "Sunshine"
She'll sell ya some cotton candy."

See Suthern's booth of Cajun Cuisine,
Red Beans and Hot sausage galore,
The finest in Creole dining,
You couldn't ask for anything more!

See Marge bust her rump on the flying trapeze,
Just purchase a ticket from Nan,
Angel will make your billfold disappear,
With one little slight of her hand.

Side shows and peep shows,
Little Lucie the dancer,
Julie will tame a lion,
Balladeer a ferocious hamster.

Lucie will dance for a dime,
One little tenth of a dollar,
She does the dance of the pyramids,
Makes the guys all whistle and holler.

She'll be wearing next to nothing,
She loves to show it all,
Just a ring in her belly button,
After the final cloth falls..

She'll do a triple somersault,
Then she hits the ground,
She winks at the audience,
And then she turns around,
She has a picture of old Toerag,
Tattooed on her spine,
Saying; "Passions in Ron's Poetry,
Ninteen hundred Ninty nine...

A Balladeer and Baily and Poet de vine,
Circus of stars and entertainment so fine,
Just follow Sally the Bearded lady,
With the Amish like beard on her chin,
Or Iloveit the hairy granny,
With hair on her chest and that's the end!


I used to be taller
Close to six feet
And needing a job
I dressed really neat
The Manager looked at
My meager resume
And told me the job
He gladly would pay

He gave me a shovel
And an apron that fit
And told me to clean up
The elephant's...pit

Oh, I used to be taller
Five-nine or more
But I can't really say
That's the case anymore

So I slaved for that
Tulgy old nit
Up to my knees in
The elephant...pit

As I was toiling
Oh, what a lark
It got hot and steamy
And suddenly dark

But I was still tall
My spine wasn't bent
Still dressed really fine
A high-class gent

Oh, the tribulations
Of my poor little spine
For I was sat upon
Four or five times

I can't leave now
'Spite the dung I've dug
For I'm hooked on show-biz
It's in my blood


I'll walk the tight rope
As I've oft' done at work,
Many things I've also juggled--
(My boss is such a Jerk)!
But these skills come in handy
I might even sing a song,
But we can't let down the kiddies--
Yes, the show must go on!


I’m the lovely trainer,
Dressed to kill
Sequined jacket, top hat
And spiked heels.
Watch as I make
These horses dance
Following orders,
They step high and prance.

Round and round they go
Heads held high
Galloping quickly,
Look how they fly!


Mr. Balladeer, excuse me, please
I understand this circus needs
Someone who, with teeth so strong
Can twirl above the gaping throng
And holding on by just her teeth
[Without a safety net beneath]
Thrill the crowd with feats so bold
You'll find she's worth her weight in gold.
Oh sir, I'm just the girl for you
As I have twirled a time or two
And references I can supply
Touting my ability to fly
Please give me the opportunity
To join your three-ring company
I'm dependable and you will see
Just what an asset I can be

My education does include
A degree in Circus Aptitude
I graduated Magna cum Flew
[From your alma mater, Big Top U]
And, in regards to salary
I might even work for free!
Oh, should it sway a deciding vote
I can bring in a dentist's note...


There's no finer place
in this world for me
and all my Justin family.
I'll set them center stage
with paint and brushes
plentifully by their sides.
Crayons of course
for Andrew Scott
our wax enthusiast.
A vee wee van to be their easel
as the colors
drool from their brushes.
Andrew's crayons will dissolve
to become a heated masterpiece.
Dr. Moose will run the aisles
with his 6 foot thermometer.
Nurse Crachet with loaded syringe
chasing feverishly behind him.
Elmer Fudd with loaded gun
firing milk duds at everyone.


You're missing something, don't you know,
Without me in your live freak show.
Women will faint and children will cry
When my fright'ning visage captures the eye.
I'm the beer-bellied dog boy, can't you see!
I'll chase the cat-girl up the tree,
Yelp when the fat lady steps on my tail,
Bark at the man who brings the mail.

I'll drink from a toilet, scratch at my fleas,
Eat scraps from the table (no chicken bones please!)
Whimper and whine if you leave me alone,
Gnaw all day on a big, meaty bone!

I'll play fetch with myself, walk myself too,
I'm even housetrained! (Okay, that's not true).
I'll be a great asset, I'm my own best friend!
One thing I ask. May I smell your rear end?


I'm the ringmaster of the show of Fleas,
Step right up, your tickets please.
See how they jump and fly about,
They are amazing, there is no doubt.
One flea is from the British Isles,
Where he made our Rainbow smile.
He wanted to dine down in her muff,
She was too sweet, he was too tough.

Another is from way down south,
Where he met Belle and "checked her out."
Just one bite and it was "See you later,"
Ain't no one can stand an alligator!

The happiest flea is from Cape Cod,
Where he once lived on our Nan's bod.
He seems content (I presume),
To have imbibed on her perfume.

Another flea is downright mad,
At the dog who dropped him on Toerag.
He thought he'd get a decent meal,
Just one bite, and he's spitting still!

There was a flea, but now he's toast,
Because he lived on the Florida coast.
He thought venison would be a treat,
But our 'Deer made him dead meat.

And little Lovey, so sweet and pure,
All the fleas, for her, demur.
They're sure she is sweet and fair,
But they get lost in all her hair!

This circus of my little pets,
Is filled with happiness and regrets.
And yet they perform three times a day,
Before we pitch our tents and move away.


Don't forget to see,
The amazing elastic woman,
She can bend, stretch, twist and turn
Any way you please.

It's always entertaining,
To watch her visually astounding show,
For she can do things you won't belive,
Sit back and let your mind go.

Watch my amazing feats,
It'll leave you crying for more,
At our wonderful circus,
There is so much to explore.


Circus Circus , oh boy and how
And finally I've found it now
No-one told me of this one
I almost missed out on the fun
Perhaps I could be Mighty Max
Long on strength but short on facts
Arms of steel and head the same
Yup , can't remember my own name

That may be a problem though
One so dumb in this great show
Only if I could compute
? ( would they let me out the institute? )


I am ringmaster Balladeer,
Simply the lady with no fear.
I ride the big horses
Amid the crowd's voices
Doing jumping jacks
On their rosined-backs
Hearing the crowd roar
In amazement, just like the night before
Flipping to one side and then the other
Flirting and laughing at disaster
The rodeo would just not be complete
Without my lovely feats
I have more balance on a horse
Than any one on land of course
Will you accept me please?
Before I go pay my rodeo fees

** My thanks to all these wonderful poets and their participation **

© Copyright 1999 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

1 posted 1999-12-26 09:26 PM

Wow! The greatest show on earth! You all did well! My hat's off to you, one and all!


Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871
2 posted 1999-12-26 09:27 PM

This was awesome! Well done, everyone! I truly enjoyed the show-be sure to come back!


 Nail to the mast her holy flag,
Set every threadbare sail-
And give her to the god of storms,
The lightning and the gale!
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
3 posted 1999-12-26 09:40 PM

Can I buy a ticket??????
Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750
Glen Hope, PA USA
4 posted 1999-12-26 09:41 PM this is one circus I'd like to see  
Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
5 posted 1999-12-26 09:43 PM

Entertaining and quite revealing
Great job, ya'll

Betty Gravitt
since 1999-09-11
Posts 222
Georgia United States
6 posted 1999-12-26 09:58 PM

Wonderful show. Please can we have another?
Very soon.

 B Gravitt

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
7 posted 1999-12-26 10:13 PM

Great job of putting it all together, Balladeer! Sure was a good one!  

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Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871
8 posted 1999-12-26 10:17 PM

I'll buy a ticket..and another...and another...


(acrobat smiley faces!)

Jim Hastings
Junior Member
since 1999-12-22
Posts 23
9 posted 1999-12-26 11:22 PM

I really enjoyed the show
The only thing I want to know
How much money did you make
Someone tell me what was the take

Ahh I see it was all for fun and laughs
That is untill you left out the giraffes
ohh it was a circus, not a zoo
guess I'll watch it again with you


Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296
Sunny Queensland
10 posted 1999-12-27 12:00 PM

I so enjoyed the Passions Carnival,
A once in a lifetime show,
The roar of the crowd, the feeling of family,
Always make the heart glow..

 Reach inside your heart, that is the greatest gift you can bestow. Merry Christmas..
(Daughter of Mystery)

Member Elite
since 1999-08-19
Posts 3079
Southern Florida
11 posted 1999-12-27 12:48 PM

This was so much fun...(clapping hands)

 A soul that writes from the heart and shares it, truly gives a gift extraordinaire!

Echo Rhayne
Senior Member
since 1999-09-17
Posts 1495
Canyon Country, CA
12 posted 1999-12-27 04:44 AM

WoW this is great, I'll be there with...bells on LoL...Hey Jim, maybe I will bring a giraffe just for you LoL

 ~*~ Hell is not a place of fire and a devil with a tail and horns. But a place of torment because the light of God is gone. To escape this, accept the blood of Jesus Christ! ~*~

Senior Member
since 1999-10-23
Posts 1147
Tulsa, OK, USA
13 posted 1999-12-27 01:47 PM

Good one guys!  Massive...but good.
since 1999-11-25
Posts 149

14 posted 1999-12-27 04:26 PM

Oh where oh where, can you tell me please?
Oh where oh where can I find the ticket line?
Oh where oh where, can you tell me please?
Oh where oh where can I find this circus so fine?

Oh where oh where, can you tell me please?
Oh where oh where can I find this excellent show?
Oh where oh where, can you tell me please?
Oh where oh where can I find this place that I must go?
Lovely and entertaining poem you guys!  I'd love to see one put on as such!  Heehee!  

 If you love something, set it free, if it comes back to you, its meant to be...

Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
Posts 3023
United Kingdom
15 posted 1999-12-27 05:21 PM

How often I kept telling myself..."you must add something here" and time passed so quickly but every entry is many people with hearts of gold because, as we all know, the circus is for children!


 Don't ask me where I'm going, just listen when I'm gone and far away you'll hear me singing softly to the dawn.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

16 posted 1999-12-28 06:28 AM

I'm totally impressed...this is wonderful guys!

*clap* *clap* *clap*


Mark R.
since 1999-06-25
Posts 113
San Francisco, CA.
17 posted 1999-12-28 05:57 PM

Great show everyone!  Very, very well done.
Deputy Moderator 5 ToursDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318
Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy!
18 posted 2011-03-26 01:56 AM

Pssst ~ did ya'll see that half naked lady on the trapeze?  Oh the wonders of the circus!  The price was right and the acts did not disappoint.  This is the first circus I have ever been to - and I am smiling (even as I mourn the elephant whose time it was to go the Big Top in the Sky).

Love this.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
19 posted 2011-03-26 09:01 AM

Boy, I had forgotten this one, Alison!! We used to have a lot of fun with so many people participating in these little adventures..
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