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Critical Analysis #2
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since 2003-04-23
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0 posted 2003-04-23 01:02 AM

This is something I wrote on a whim really late at night and it's really my first true poem. I don't have much experience but I'd love to know what you think of it. I really want to know about any improvements you see that I can make.

Reflections of Humankind
By Maleeha Mahmood

A mind’s reflection,
A soul’s desperation,
A heart’s deprivation.
How much will one take?

A mind becomes desolate,
A soul turns defenseless,
A heart feels broken.
How much can one take?

A desperation of so long,
That deems it will never end.
The tears of faded hope,
The aging that does not belong.
How much can one suffer?

The worries that should not have been,
The fear that need not have been felt,
The cries over the terrible din,
The emotional wounds that felt like open welts.
Who to blame their troubles on?

All that mankind claims it shied from,
All that we said would never be,
All that mankind promised them
Is what has come to be.

Safety, Freedom, Happiness, Care,
Protection, Equality, Joy, Love.
Have we given it?
Have we fulfilled our promise?

We scorn does that have done no great harm,
Shed tears for those that care little,
Cherish those that have done others harm,
And claim that we are right
And you are wrong.

What world is this?
A happy one?
While others shed tears of pain,
There is no true happiness.

A safe one?
While people live in fear
And no place is safe,
There is no true safety.

A caring one?
As we continue to turn our backs to the needy
And hold a hunger for war,
There lies not care here.

An equal one?
While one looks at another strangely
At their difference, and
Scorns another at their faith,
No equality lies in the human race.

The race, the world that is left is a failing one,
Where a man wages battle with his brother,
And a woman scorns her sister, and a
Mother and father forget all other, and
We continue to fight amongst each other.

Why hurt one that holds the same blood as you,
Looks the same as you,
Speaks just like you,
Cares such like you?

We live in a world that plaques us with grief and sadness,
Yet many turn away from it.
They hide from it to protect themselves,
And instead increase their danger.

A world decides now or never,
All of humanity must be together and strong,
Or fade away, hateful and wrong,
Are we ready to take it?

© Copyright 2003 Maleeha Mahmood - All Rights Reserved
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