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Systematic Decay
Senior Member
since 1999-09-15
Posts 1301
That place with padded walls and funny people in white.........

0 posted 1999-09-25 01:16 AM

We humans have the habit of taking everything for granted. The beauty of a sunset over a lake, or the way water turns oil on the road into a rainbow, or the shiver of amazement when the person you love brushes his (or her) lips against yours so softly you wonder if they were even truly there.

The truth of the matter is that we are all to busy with the mundane responsibilities of everyday life that we don't have the time to gaze upon the roses, or give our dog or cat a good head scratch. We have people to see, places to be, and things to do in this rush-rush world.

I was the same way. But I have taken a temporary step out from that get-go society, and I have all the time in the world to teach a bird to talk, or make a cake from scratch, or admire he beauty of a simple object most people ignore.

For once in my life, I am in love. And I often take him for granted. As if no matter what I do to hurt him, he will be there to kiss away the fears, and hold me tight in the darkness where monsters may lurk. I now know to look in those blue-green eyes for the reassurance I need. And I will never take him for granted again. For if I do, I fear I will lose him.

And if I take the clean bathroom for granted, it will become dirty. If I take the full wallet for granted, it will soon empty. And if I take all that is beautiful for granted, I may not remember it until it has grown ugly......

All I am trying to say is, before you rush out to work or school, make a little time to tell your partner or family member you love them. Give the cat a scratch behind the ears.
Admire the sparkle of the morning dew on the grass. And always remember those who you left behind, because they are the ones who you will see again come the last bell, or punch-out time. As opposed to rushing in and asking for dinner, ask how their day went. Trust me, they will appreciate you for it.

"Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage."
-Billy Corgan-

© Copyright 1999 Systematic Decay - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296
Purgatorial Incarceration
1 posted 1999-09-25 02:37 AM

A wonderful goal, yet I remind you to never sya never, lest it come up to bite you in the ass!
Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 2396

2 posted 1999-09-25 04:00 AM

Beauty we can live without, 'tis called scenery. Many things are taken for granted, but does that not imply there is reason to do so?

Now and forever my heart hears ~one voice~.

Senior Member
since 1999-08-20
Posts 739
Houston, TX
3 posted 1999-09-26 12:00 PM

I agree SD, I always thought that what
we don't appreciate we are bound to lose.
I share that fear. I dare not take anything
or anyone for granted. Each word is sweet,
each touch is dear. I found a prose written
by Max Ehrmann; it seems appropriate in
response to you. I'll post it. Thank you
for sharing this.

Thou who has given so much to me,
give one thing more: a grateful heart.
>George Herbert

since 1999-09-12
Posts 214
san diego, ca.
4 posted 1999-09-28 09:00 AM

Nicely put,

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
5 posted 1999-09-29 03:02 AM

Indeed, much is taken for granted in life, both in scenery which appeases the eye, and in people who beautify our soul.

Michael Anderson

May Darkness find you all through the day.

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