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since 2003-06-21
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Prague, Bohemia, Czech Republic

0 posted 2010-10-07 06:18 AM

So, who's the new Filly?
"Is she a filly or a new lark?"

Another songbird, or...?
"So it seems, yes she sings, and yes, she's young"

"VERY, but to tell you the truth, I probably wouldn't recognize her if I saw her again, I didn't get that good of a look at her. But yes, she's hot."

She interested?
"Hard to say,
our English conversation lesson,
turned out in a funny way.
She likes older men, MUCH older, or at least did."

"Her first love was a lawyer, her parents didn't approve, she was all of 18. He had a son."

"It didn't work out, I didn't press,
didn't ask why."

so, she's been to America?
"Yeah, she was an Au pair, DEFINITELY into kids! And when I asked her how old she was when she went, I hit the nail on the head. Her relationship went bad and she left the country too. So, yeah, we had that in common."

Hmm... an English lesson, that seemed more like a speed date
"That wasn't the intent, but seemed to be how it turned out."

You sure?
"fairly, she said she wanted to do Karaoke, said we could sing something together."

"Indeed, and her email to me, friendly indeed."

and what about love?
"The debate was the difference between the terms infatuation and platonic love. I brought up the point, in English, "I love you" is just "I love you", it doesn't matter whether it's friends or not, there's no difference, between saying it to a friend or lover. and then I stated it's easier to say I love you in a foreign language then it is your own."

What'd she say?
"She turned to me, looked me dead in the eye and said, "Miluji te" (I love you, to your romantic partner) Something I waited 6 months to hear from the other girl and this girl says it to me, 45 minutes after I meet her!"

Did she mean it?
"Well, it knocked me off my block, I got blind sided. I looked her in the eye puzzled and said, I thought it was "Miluju Vas" she said it was more formal. Czechs don't say it much."

How did it all end?
"with her offer to sing together, then we burst out of the room, like we had been in a pressure cooker. She ran back behind her desk, I ran for the elevator, I told her the only Czech songs I know are Non-stop and Zejtra... couldn't think of the right 2nd word, "mam", she said. I can't remember how we said goodbye, I was just trying to get out of there. Luckily, the elevator came quickly and I was able to escape without any more awkwardness. I got home to find that I had had a big piece of foam stuck in my hair, all day."

Did you follow up?
"Yes, with an email that night, looking somewhat like it was business... English related, mentioned her email assignment, but asked her some follow up questions about some music and movies she had suggested for me."

Did she write back?
"She completely ignored my English assignment comments, and just wrote about her favorite songs, movies, etc..."

That's a good sign!
"Yeah, so I followed up with a lot of writing about things she knew etc etc... asked her out and told her about Karaoke for next week... and thus endeth the lesson... for now."

One day at a time huh?

What about Jo?
"You know how Jos go..."

and the other songbird?
"who knows, but it doesn't look good, she's MIA. I'm letting that sleeping dog lie."

So you say.
(no response)

"Is this a new love story?"
God only knows...

© Copyright 2010 Kenneth Bradley Smith - All Rights Reserved
Eusta B. Mae
Senior Member
since 2010-05-03
Posts 903

1 posted 2010-10-07 08:26 AM

Love being a fly on your wall...Thanks for taking me there! ebm
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