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Junior Member
since 2007-12-15
Posts 35
New Jersey, USA

0 posted 2008-01-10 08:26 PM

Thanatopsis* in Sandy Ruins
By Klover.

My eyes stir open, at the grinding sound.
Of metal tracks upon sandy rocky roads
Standing up, as the rear hatch opened out.
Bidding us forward,
Bidding us to Battle.

Kevlar fibers cling my sweat, as I race out to the Arabic Sun,
Men turning and firing with me, meeting the enemy with gritted teeth.
Screams of rouge rockets reached my ears, as my mind came alive.

Roars of orders were issued, as I formed them into ballistic phalanxes,
My hands fling symbols of important, as helicopters shatter sound overhead.
Jittering thunder cracks along the line, as molten projectile lead swings about.

But a crack of fragments, and the screams of injured and traumatized ring out.
My helmet turns around me, as a ding rings out. Sending me spiraling down.
More death brings from behind! And leaping out of windows and doors to reach me.

Gasping for breath, I summon my thunder, blasting out fiery death, whilst laying in the sand.
Swarming, stirring towards my men was a beast of death, armed with screaming AK’s
A round shived across my shoulder, spurting dust and blood into my face.

A gasp, fills my lungs, as my eyes turn wide. My heart begins to moan in protest, thumping louder.
A cold jittery feeling fills me, as I blink, moving the blood from my eyes, like burnt tears.
As I pushed away with my arm, I looked up, as a shadow so nearly stood before me.

The figure was tall, and wrapped in cloth darker then still nights in caves,
My gun shook upward, with weakened arms, as I quickly assumed,
But alas, it fell on the dirt with a thud, as I saw a scythe in his hand.

“Tis the Reaper.” I muttered my face turning pale.
“Aye.” A whisper croaked sounding quieter then the graves he fills.
A rocket spun wildly, and began to dive down at us,
But with a flick of his wrist, it compounded the ground.
Another wave, and the fearsome roar of mechanical dragons filled the air.
Cannons rang out raining their toxic shells,
Onto the enemy and forcing a route.
As I looked up to see the wreckage, I heard him speak again,
“Till we meet another time..” That stiff whisper murmured,
Before fading away.

*Thinking and musing upon death.

[This message has been edited by Thalen (01-11-2008 05:34 PM).]

© Copyright 2008 Kieran Thomas Maye - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
Posts 9353
Michigan, USA
1 posted 2008-01-11 08:16 AM

This work was riveting, gutsy and so real. i could taste the sand, feel the blood rushing to my feet, hear the mortors.
You elicit deep emotions, the cries of the families, the panic of the battlefield.
Thank you for this.

Junior Member
since 2007-12-15
Posts 35
New Jersey, USA
2 posted 2008-01-11 05:34 PM

Thank you very much!
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
3 posted 2008-01-12 08:00 PM

Fine descriptive writing...James
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