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Senior Member
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0 posted 2007-09-06 09:59 AM

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Everything strewn, out of place,
torpor, amid a bevy of indecision,
at the median, Figure 2.

there’s the maidenhead,
an ornate slit to traverse
and adorn with bruised red fruit
crushed underfoot,

you must have unbelievable faith in water
and in the fluent lull of the Harpsichord
to grow stalks of fire, you must
begin the New Year with your hands
tied behind your back,  worship
dark totems weighed down with nightbirds,

you must know what’s behind the shadow of a treadmill,
its window, the moon’s reflection,

its silent season reaching into red anthills
that bloom in me, intolerably,

there’s a hard science
to building walls that sway with Summer storms,
and the catastrophic burgeoning of ginkoes,
beneath the 37 pinions of these wings,
tie the proper knot,
slow now,
tie it,

lock the arms to an open frame of oak
rooted to ancient earth, hope
for harvest. for soil. for the bird’s relentless song,

the door’s built last,
just wide enough for two lovers
to enter

on hands and knees.

Figure 5 is the lullaby of a blind gelding
caught in a burning corral, inchoate,
and the night’s so heavy with imminent thunderstorms,

at the temple, my hair is sweetened
by golden cassia, and night-blooming jasmine,
to calm the blood in its awful rush
toward a blue black god, gather
our grains in brimming cups,
leave detritus strewn in florid patterns
across the pungent grass,

there’s a story amid the burrows of my hand,
my body, at the mercy of your 53 carat tethers,
strung along such mismatched legs,
this dutiful torture, I choose
a body and make it, yours

perched along our picked fence,
16 hummingbirds pant
and draw breath in a field of basil,
rain threatens to sing you to sleep,
but I press my lips to your ear
instead, and hope the terror
in my heart stirs you from dream,

Figure 8b is a waltz
to the weavebird’s song
that will mend sweetwater
and light with straw,
earth and mind upon a bright loom
of patchwork grain, untortured
by bushels of thorns.

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Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

1 posted 2007-09-06 10:06 AM

Your creativity is incredible lady.  You do collapse me, but then, you already knew this yes?     As always love, a pleasure to read you.

after a fall I get back up,
move on 'cause the past is the past and theres no tomorrow if remaining in still waters while the river flows on ~dsmith

Senior Member
since 2006-07-24
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2 posted 2007-09-06 10:23 AM

My Gentle friend~

((thank you))~

it is an absolute pleasure to collapse you~~~

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Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

3 posted 2007-09-06 10:30 AM

well now, if'n you don't mind a gal beggin a bit.....  more pleassse  
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since 2006-07-24
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4 posted 2007-09-06 10:36 AM

~~you are a doll, Gentle spirit~~

((thank you)) for the encouragement and warm reply...

this was a bit of an experiment...tieing together my fairytale themes and my own life's lessons...with something tangible...a blue print.. as a kid I always loved maps and blue prints...especially Old World maps...recently, I have been using them in collage projects and photo projects....and I wanted to play around with a poem....

thanks again, love for feeling this~

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Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
5 posted 2007-09-06 10:57 AM

Thank goodness that
between the dark and light
there is blue...

after several readings, this
is becoming a very precious read to me
for several reasons, and on multiple levels.

Oh yeah...I'm adding it to my library, and I haven't done THAT in a long, long time!

" It matters not this distance now  " Excerpt, Yesterday's Love

Senior Member
since 2006-07-24
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6 posted 2007-09-06 10:58 AM


thanks so much, love~  I'm absolutely thrilled you found something in this...that speaks to you~
and honored you are adding it to your library~



aujussy wolf
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7 posted 2007-09-06 11:20 AM

perched along our picked fence,
16 hummingbirds pant
and draw breath in a field of basil,
rain threatens to sing you to sleep,
but I press my lips to your ear
instead, and hope the terror
in my heart stirs you from dream,

bel1e ... this part drew me back a few times : ) .... your too good to read just once !! ~wolfie

In his mantle gray he walked one day across a shining floor and with crystal key in secrecy he opened an ivory door -J.R.R. Tolkien(T.Bombadil-the adv

Senior Member
since 2006-07-24
Posts 1631

8 posted 2007-09-06 11:21 AM

hey Wolfie~

thanks so much, love~
I'm glad you enjoyed this~



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