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State of Despair

0 posted 2001-02-04 12:49 PM

I am very.. very bored and I need something to do. So, I decided to start a chat about inspiration. Where do you get your inspiration? I think mine derives from the kind and caring replies I get... and all the wondrous and elegant poetry around here. I cant help but get sucked into this world when I read poems for hours... and then go back for more. Its like my food, its what I crave. Sometimes nature can be a very good inspiration, or even family, friends, love... etc. Most of my work is fictional, and its made up off the top of my head. Is your work mostly fictitous or factual? I would really like to hear everyones feedback on this!! Thanks!


"I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. -William Faulkner (Noble Prize Speech.)

[This message has been edited by jeremydraul (edited 02-04-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Jeremy Daniel Raulinaitis - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
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Twilight Zone
1 posted 2001-02-04 02:28 PM

Lately, I haven't had the inspiration to write.  it's not writers block but I guess more of laziness.  Why? I don't know.  If anyone could give me tips to getting inspired again, i'd appreciate it.....thanks in advance

I see no changes, wake up in the morning I ask myself, "Is life worth living or should I blast myself" TUPAC SHAKUR

dreamer1 12 5 24
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2 posted 2001-02-04 03:25 PM

Hey Jeremy,
I tend to get inspiration from things I hear. Two words can turn into a huge poem. I also write from experience, about stuff that's happening in my life. I have a three page poem at my house, which was inspired by something which is going to happen to me, but the poem is totally and completely fictional. On the other hand some of my poems are totally based on fact. Did I answer your question?


....peace as a primary objective is dangerous because it implies that we would sacrifice anything for the sake of it....
Robert Kaplan

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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3 posted 2001-02-04 08:30 PM

Well..........mine usually comes from Natalia my X-gf. Other than that.....ANYTHING can spring off a poem.
Sometimes it comes out of you know where though......

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I'm in love with my shadow
I admire it daily

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4 posted 2001-02-04 09:09 PM

I'm the kind of person who can sit and stare at a tree for hours, pondering how it came to be there and silly things like that. Some of my poetry comes from those observations. Some of my ideas come from this corner of my mind that seems to spew ideas at any random time for a piece and bugs me until I write it. Sometimes I'll get one line for a poem and I won't be able to do anything properly until I get the poem written. That can get annoying sometimes, though!

"Where there is great love there are always miracles" -Cather
"Love heals everything, and love is all there is"- Zukav

Elizabeth Cor
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Over the river and through the woods
5 posted 2001-02-04 09:27 PM

I've got to hide this for a little while from prying eyes because I'm going to get the sick smilie or a smart assed comment, blah blah blah lol... which, I guess, is sad in a way, though I’m not complaining (swear!). Reason being, the person who encompasses my life has such a strong personality on these forums that I feel like I have to stifle half the references I want to use, or the praise I want to scream. It feels showy, or inconsiderate, or corny... lol maybe I should have posted this in feelings...

ANYWAY, I get it from watching him sleep. I must have three dozen poems on my hard drive (most of which he doesn't even know exist), which try over and over to sum up what I feel when I glance behind me and see that beautiful sleeping form. Everything that he is composed of: intelligence, difficultly, his compulsion for arguing, every annoying habit, every grace, love that tides over me, solid and infinite. How can I suppress inspiration?

But for the rest of world
Uhm, today I linked daisies in the buttonholes of my jacket. I go barefoot… A LOT.
I’m fascinated by dust. I like to write about blood and attempt to craft it beautiful. I draw.
I listen to music. I sing to myself. I brush my hair and think about static and what color it would be if I could see it, and what color its heat might be if I could see THAT, and OH, the rings of thermometers: liquid psychedelic, the delirious smear of kaleidoscopes! See, there I go again…My advice: don’t limit yourself. Write about love. Write about ducks. Write about road kill. Just don’t post everything here…

OH, I also talk to trees. (No, I'm not kidding)


[This message has been edited by Elizabeth Cor (edited 02-04-2001).]

serenity blaze
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6 posted 2001-02-04 09:38 PM

Good lord, Beth? You frighten me--too much like ME!!! (we'll have the tree discussion later...)

and as for inspiration? What ISN"T inspiring?
For me? It's a hopeful matter of getting "me" out of the way long enough to write something. It's best when it's like ZEN.

and lastly? Do I write from actual experience? HEH HEH.  It is ALL fiction.

Elizabeth Cor
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Over the river and through the woods
7 posted 2001-02-05 08:44 AM

K, I don't think any of us are ready to see your "actual experiences" in print. Stick to fiction, it's less likely to corrupt.

So, hey, you wanna go pick up some saplings and have a good time? I won't write about it if you won't... and bring some possum.

Moon Dust
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8 posted 2001-02-05 07:02 PM

Whatever happens in that day is my inpiration I suppose. But nature inspires me too


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On the streets w/ people
9 posted 2001-02-06 04:43 PM

I write in two different ways, about my own life just to get it out, and about fictional things.  The fictional are always done better    What I post here is mostly stuff I just make up, I don't like to share about my real life.  Inspiration comes to me from whatever emotions I'm going through.  If I'm happy I'll write something happy (could be any situation), just out of nowhere it seems.  Well, I hope that's good enough for you.  Oh, I thought of something, looking at pictures I've taken of places has inspired me too.  Anyway, bye Jeremy

"Disagreements stimulate thought, thought stimulates action, and action stimulates life." --Lakewalker

[This message has been edited by Lakewalker (edited 02-06-2001).]

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10 posted 2001-02-06 05:45 PM

I guess I am inspired by my life, mainly.  I am what they call a loner at times.  During those *loner* moments, I think ALOT.  I watch the stars twinkle, the sun set, and thy way the people around me act. Anything can inspire me to write and boy do I mean ANYTHING!    
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-07
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Twilight Zone
11 posted 2001-02-06 06:29 PM

I've totally lost my inspiration --- HELP!!!

I see no changes, wake up in the morning I ask myself, "Is life worth living or should I blast myself" TUPAC SHAKUR

Senior Member
since 2000-08-01
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State of Despair
12 posted 2001-02-07 12:49 PM

wow! thanks for everyone posting about their inspiration.

Acire- Look at all these inspirations you can obtain! Plus, read others poetry and get ideas! thats inspiration!

thanks everyone

"I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. -William Faulkner (Noble Prize Speech.)

Child of the Stars
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13 posted 2001-02-21 03:06 PM

If yer really in a pinch, have somebody say a word and you state the first thing that comes into your mind. Make an acrostic about the word, or use it along with other related ones in a poem. Thas whut I do when my brain feels dead! Or go outside and breathe air and watch people, then write bout em. Maybe that helps ya acire. Thanks for reading my twelve cents peeps.

"Nature is not only all that is visible to the eye--it also includes the inner pictures of the soul." ~Edvard Munch

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Quebec, Canada
14 posted 2001-02-25 09:12 PM

my inspiration usually comes from past events or presents going on my life, alot of poems are about my friendship with my bestfriend Stone rip. Other than those advice i get from people, when i try to dissect what they say. and of course my dearest Love Brad. thats about it.

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Queensland, Australia
15 posted 2001-02-26 06:58 PM

I find a lot of times the poem writes itself, either fact or fiction. Usually in the car on the way to work, so I can't stop and write it down. I just hope that by the time I get where I'm going it's still in my head!

acire, you could try not to write! Jot down thoughts and feelings, phrases you like, that sort of thing. You will be amazed at what you can come up with after a rest. Good luck


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