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A Tone of Voice
since 2001-07-18
Posts 287

0 posted 2004-12-21 08:57 AM

Poetry, an intricate design that
Opens floodgates by breaking ice and
Exposing souls often afraid to speak out loud
The language, a message cast in a bottle
Conceived--while yearning to touch~

I'd love for you to add your depiction of poetry, if you so desire! ;-)

© Copyright 2004 A Tone of Voice - All Rights Reserved
Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

1 posted 2004-12-21 09:07 AM

Poetry is loving life
The world, feeling the energy around you
Listening to the ocean, seas
The animals talking
Poetry to me is harmony
Life’s pulse
Happy children laughing
The Sound of Waterfalls
Leaves changing
The feel of beach sand on your toes
Rich is the rhyme of feeling music
Tracing the moon with one eye closed
Feeling the warm velvet touch of mid-night
All around you,
Poetry is education
The sound of music
Strawberry waffles with whipped Cream
Indian Summer
Words with voice
Poetry is art, drawings
Visuals pulsing
A library gift certificate
Poetry is the religion of soul
An angel of focus
Out of body experience
ohhhhhh, I could on and on

Happy Holidays

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
2 posted 2004-12-21 09:09 AM

                         Possibly penning soul sounds that
                         Open wondrous ways to
                         Enthusiasm’s corner;
                         Trumpeting sounds righteously,
                         Resounding in a world of

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-12-27
Posts 8348
3 posted 2004-12-21 09:18 AM

Poetry is...

The most intimate part of me

a whisper of who I truly am.

"cast me gently into the morning, for the night has been unkind"
~Sarah McLachlan~

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113
Canada eh.
4 posted 2004-12-21 09:24 AM

Poetry is motion    graceful
as a fawn
gentle as a teardrop
strong like the eye
finding peace in a crowded room.

We poets tend to think
our words are golden
though emotion speaks too
loudly to be defined
by silence.

Sometimes    after midnight   or just before
          the dawn
we sit   pen in hand
pulling loneliness around us...
forgetting our lovers or children
who are sleeping ~
ignoring the weary wariness
of our own logic
to compose a poem
  most do not understand  'it'
it never says  "love me" ..for poets are
beyond love ~
it never says  "accept me" ..for poems seek not
acceptance   but controversy
it only says  "I am"  and therefore...
I concede that you are too.

A poem is pure energy
horizontally contained
between the mind
of the poet   and the ear of the reader..

if it does not sing    discard the ear
for poetry is song

if it does not delight   discard the heart
for poetry is joy

if it does not inform   then close
off the brain   for it is dead

if it cannot heed the insistent message
that which is precious

which is all we poets
wrapped in our loneliness
are trying to say.

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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
Posts 13962
just out of reach
5 posted 2004-12-21 09:44 AM

~poetry is a worded gift from my heart to yours~  

Member Elite
since 2000-12-22
Posts 4596
Perth Western Australia
6 posted 2004-12-21 10:06 AM

The heart and mind go into threads of lifes tapestry


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Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
Posts 19237
Florida, USA
7 posted 2004-12-21 10:09 AM

Poetry is the innermost part of my heart....
my thoughts brought out into the open....
Poetry is who I am....

since 2003-01-10
Posts 279
Etched in the illusion of time
8 posted 2004-12-21 05:47 PM

Poetry is simply, you.

If I were to touch you, would you bleed a velvet river, running miracles through the sodden ground? --Moi

time prophet
since 2003-07-30
Posts 371
In New Zealand Amongst the Ancient Trees
9 posted 2004-12-21 05:53 PM

poetry is a feeling
not a meaning
a yearning expressed
for what one is feeling

Senior Member
since 2004-01-30
Posts 537
New Zealand
10 posted 2004-12-21 06:40 PM

poetry is a powerful addiction i can't stop feeding

you're the only one keeping me alive

Senior Member
since 2003-09-10
Posts 1279

11 posted 2004-12-21 10:36 PM

Poetry’s the abutment of long and short sounds,
The melding of verbs, punctuation and nouns,
The morphing of vision and heart with the mind,
The merger of thought with the once undefined.

Remember, if you're not part of the future, you're history!

Member Elite
since 2001-12-10
Posts 3923
my own state
12 posted 2004-12-21 10:48 PM

Poetry is how I like to express myself when all other decriptions and explanations become contorted, when thoughts are too convoluted to be appreciated and the spirit within wants to break free of this mortal skin. You can call it an escape, I call it a delivery...

Member Ascendant
since 2004-03-27
Posts 5104
walking the surreal
13 posted 2004-12-21 10:50 PM

Poetry is runes of the soul
whispers of the heart in sepia
the black and white of feeling
the colors of the world
the writing of auras
the rejoicing of the angels
the suffering of man
the sorrow of the devine
Poetry is the universe
contained within the seed
of the poetic mind
and planted for the growth
of its potential
in the reader's heart


Happiness isn't something that happens to you, it's created from within you.  Joy is a state of mind.

since 2004-04-08
Posts 252
Far from where I am going
14 posted 2004-12-21 11:35 PM

Poetry is the authors essence poured onto a sheet of paper.
it is the feeling of the soul, heart, mind transfered through the quill into history and minds of readers.

Poetry is life.

nice use of muffin

aim= FlyingScrew. message me if you feel.

A Tone of Voice
since 2001-07-18
Posts 287

15 posted 2004-12-22 12:41 PM

Thank you everyone these are truly great---it's fun to read the other's take on this ~love~ that we share for poetry. *S*


Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
16 posted 2004-12-22 01:25 PM


As a child, I viewed life through
the proverbial rose-coloured glasses.
I wanted everything to be beautiful
and magical, and if it were not, my
imagination would create the world
that I wanted to see.I accomplished
this through my paintings, stories,
songs and poetry.As an adult, often
faced with the harsh realities of life,
I take the time to reconnect with that
little girl that still resides within me.
Pessimism is then replacd with optimism
and sadness turns to joy.
Through poetry, I am able to create
the world I want to see.My pen
becomes my paint brush and a
veritable extension of my soul.
As I write each poem, I don the rose-
coloured glasses once more, and am
filled with wonder as I revisit those
magical days of my childhood.


A Tone of Voice
since 2001-07-18
Posts 287

17 posted 2004-12-22 05:27 PM

Earth Angel, even though I don't always write pretty or of a world I'd love to create---I understand the need, and enjoy reading those who're able to slip on rose colored glasses allowing us a glimpse of the way it could be. Thank you~!


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