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0 posted 2003-05-06 12:22 PM

I haven't come up with a formula yet.
The plans are still in the rough draft stage.
I won't even consider laying any bet,
as to what I'll be doing when I reach old age.
Except for one tiny detail:

I can't stay away from this writing machine,
this passionate blue screen has me quarantined
for half the day and most of the night,
and I have no desire to put up a fight
and turn it off for fear of losing my mind.
So, though my brain may beg for a vacation,
(and perhaps some readers do too?)
I'll not be departing these pages for long
as I'm afraid I'd go totally bonkers insane
if I couldn't spend time here with YOU!

[This message has been edited by Midnitesun (05-06-2003 12:24 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 Kathleen Kacy Stafford - All Rights Reserved
Cpat Hair
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1 posted 2003-05-06 12:24 PM

(chuckling) kacy.... write on girl.. write on..

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
2 posted 2003-05-06 12:26 PM

we've all tried to break this addiction at one time or another...most don't last very long at it.

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3 posted 2003-05-06 12:28 PM

Ron and Maureen, LOL, yes, I tried to take a week off and only made it to day three. (or was that day two?)
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4 posted 2003-05-06 04:32 PM

Even when we come to terms with the fact
that we sometimes have to agree to disagree,
if it does get too loud in the quiet of our
rooms as we clack along in talk...

we do have the advantage of clicking off...
then clicking back in at our leisure...
knowing we will pick up the conversations,
and the camaraderie...

just where we left them.

No,'re one of us now...

and where is the lady with the wicked laughter
just when you need her?

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Moved from a shack to a barn
5 posted 2003-05-06 06:03 PM

Just gotta get snowed in at work. Oh wait! that doesn't work either.
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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
6 posted 2003-05-06 08:27 PM

I know what you mean as I am going on vacation next week and the top thing on the list to bring is the laptop Cute Kacy and sadly so true.


Mistletoe Angel
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7 posted 2003-05-06 09:21 PM

(smiles) I understand just how you feel, sweet friend, and I would have to be dead honest if you just look at my total post number! (giggles) Of course I don't let the site dominate my life though, I always follow my dreams too at the same time, I just find Passions to be a wonderful refuge of friendship and colors, this is wonderful, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Kacy, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

Underneath your clothes, there's an endless story


Member Rara Avis
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New York
8 posted 2003-05-07 12:07 PM


I m with you on this one
tried to stay away myself and
umm . . .  here I am lol

amazing write here

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9 posted 2003-05-07 12:07 PM

nay, you wish...don't use "maybe some people wish for me to take a vacation" as an excuse because you know pretty well it isn't true

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10 posted 2003-05-07 12:35 PM

THANKS! You are all as addicted as me!
And that's a comforting thought.
Sheesh, I'll never have to feel alone again.

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In a corporeal internship...
11 posted 2003-05-07 01:30 AM

Addicted...?  No...  but always looking forward to it, as time allows (or is that the same difference...?)


You CAN make a difference:

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12 posted 2003-05-07 11:36 AM

same thing, different degree
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lost in blue pages
13 posted 2003-05-07 02:42 PM

well said, I am trying to stay away from the puter but it is really hard to do.
well since i work full-time it is much easier, but still....ah well you said it all above


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14 posted 2003-05-07 03:16 PM

Resistance is not just futile.
It's also pointless and unnecessary.

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15 posted 2003-05-07 03:17 PM

A Formula?

Sure, that’s simple...

Here’s the recipe:

1  tsp refusal

2  tbls refrainment

3  c abstinence

4  quarts abnegation

5  gal self denial

Mix thoroughly...

Then pour down sink!

The Plan?

Even simpler

1.  Stop paying electric bill

2.  Donate computer

3.  Super glue fingers together

4. Lock self in old steamer trunk

5. Forget all the above, and just... give in

Thanks Midnitesun, this was fun...

[This message has been edited by Richy (05-07-2003 03:49 PM).]

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16 posted 2003-05-07 03:26 PM

ROTFL at your impossible formula and plan Richy.
Glad you could have some fun with this.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
17 posted 2003-05-07 04:26 PM

WELL .... it's cheaper than Ebay !
No shippping OR handling charges !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~

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18 posted 2003-05-07 04:31 PM

Marge, that's hilarious and true.
(Just ask Mysteria.)

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19 posted 2003-05-07 04:52 PM

Something we can all relate to...and beautifuly told.

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20 posted 2003-05-07 04:56 PM

Yes, and so another load of laundry bites the dust, waiting for me to get away from this keyboard. SIGH, it'll still be there 'till tomorrow, and that's fine with me since I have clean clothes for today.
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