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Jaime Fradera
Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843
Where no tyranny is tolerable

0 posted 2001-05-28 01:09 AM

It is evening
I sit out on my balcony
drinking in the cool night air.
I hear the sounds of other tenants
coming out of their apartments.
They begin afixing balloons
and brightly colored paper streamers
to the walls.
I ask a child
if there is to be a party
but he says he doesn't know.
A croud begins to gather.
I extend my right hand
to feel along the cold metal railing
and find it covered in streamers and balloons
as far as I can reach.
I squeeze a balloon in my hand,
but curiously,
I can not make it pop.
I step into my apartment
and find paper and balloons
have been taped to clutter everything.
I try to close the door
but there are too many balloons.
I can't just go to bed ...
and leave the door like that ...
I try to pop the balloons.
I pull them, prick them,
pench them, squeeze them;
but once again,
I can not make them pop
and quit.
Then, just by accident, I pop one,
and all balloons in the apartment
blow up in rapid staccato
Sounding like a string of firecrackers.
I shove the exploding trash outside
and slam the door.
I can hear the garbage
going off outside,
sounding like fireworks for the fourth of July.

Just by accident,
I find I can levitate
and float in the air
by thinking about it.
It seems
this has already been worked out,
and I go to a class.
I give the teacher a microphone
and show her what to do;
but the music is so loud
I can not follow the instructions.
It is something like aerobics exercise
in a gym
except that as music plays
the class, in formation,
is dancing in the air.
I rise from the floor,
not quite knowing what I'm doing,
and bounce my head off of the ceiling.
But nobody will work with me,
so I am on my own.
I decide to do some tricks
and teach myself stability and control.
The music is a reference
and helps to judge
my motion in the air.
I push off a wall,
gliding gracefully across the room
only to bounce the opposite wall
and start drifting back the other way.
I glide smoothly
all the way across the floor
like skating,
but can not stop
until a table breaks my flight.
I can not tell where I am going
but know I will collide with walls or furniture,
because it is the only way to stop,
so I brace myself
for unexpected impacts.
Why won't anybody work with me,
show me how to do it right ... ...
I think vaguely of Newton,
of inertia and the laws of motion,
now suddenly quite vexing.
I dind to my annoyance
that when I collide with furniture
while gliding on the floor,
I pivot and bounce into the air
where, judging by the sound of the music,
I begin to spin.
After class
I try to tell the teacher of my problem,
but she just says
she expects me to try too
and that she only works with groups.

I am back in my apartment
and the balloons are gone.
I just can't get over
having this ability
to float around the room
with little conscious effort.
This levitation is so very seductive!
I try this again,
and then again
just to make sure it really works!
But what if, like some addiction
it slips out of my control?
What if it makes me delusional, psychotic,
makes me think I can fly,
Makes me do something crazy,
and jump ot of a window
Like Art Linkletter's daughter? ...

Maybe I am better off without it.

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Member Elite
since 2001-01-03
Posts 2597

1 posted 2001-05-28 01:22 AM

Interesting dreams you have!

Paula Finn
Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546
2 posted 2001-05-28 01:38 AM know I love this is just so intense...great as always my friend
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
Posts 11858
New Brunswick Canada
3 posted 2001-05-28 01:47 AM

Jamie this is a great personal perspective write! I enjoyed it very much!
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
Posts 7136
Mobile, AL
4 posted 2001-05-28 03:19 AM

It reads like a dream, and the scenes do well with that. I'm still curious as to the symbolism since I love to read about what dreams may really be about. I love this.

still d-i-s-c-o-n-n-e-c-t-e-d
I am bound by this, you become Night's sole mistress, and I am jealous in my endeavours for his attention.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
5 posted 2001-05-28 09:03 AM

An interesting read, Jaime...perhaps more of us should jot down the thoughts that roam our minds, just as your balloons have done...

perhaps we would see ourselves better, then....

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
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Tamarac Fla
6 posted 2001-05-28 09:16 AM

Since I am not an anylist I can only say I enjoyed the read.

Senior Member
since 2001-05-25
Posts 823
7 posted 2001-05-28 01:28 PM

very interesting indeed,what a good read  
Member Ascendant
since 2000-12-22
Posts 6088
standing on a shadow's lace
8 posted 2001-05-29 09:12 PM

Jaime...if you can fly, by accident or on purpose...then fly...soar...and a teacher you will not need...for spirits glide...your wings are new & just need practice...and better off without them???  NEVER !!!!

"...the rest is silence" (Hamlet)       Shakespeare

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937
East Lansing, MI USA
9 posted 2001-05-30 08:01 PM

now these are the kinds of dreams that I have. . . good to see that I'm not the only one. . .



To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

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Member Ascendant
since 2000-09-30
Posts 5906
lost in blue pages
10 posted 2001-05-31 02:18 AM

you describe your dream so well....thank you for sharing. excellent work.


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